The export structure
On the left side of the export mapping view you can see the format structure. To get to this screen, select the "Mapping" section in the list of exports.
The fields you can see here reflect the full structure of the file, but usually not all of them are required. To make it easier to understand which ones are important and which ones are not, color-coded labels have been added to the fields.
The color red stands for mandatory fields – without them, your product feed can be rejected by a publisher. The color yellow/orange stands for recommended fields – we recommend that you include them in your export, because they provide an added value from the point of view of your publisher.
It is also worth it to pay attention to the fields that are crossed out. Fields marked this way mean that there's no data here – they are not mapped in the import. If a crossed out field is combined with a mandatory element, then the value of this element will not be sent to this field even though mapping has been performed, because our system does not have this bit of data. You can map the crossed out fields (1), since you may decide to add them to the import later; then the data will be automatically updated in your export.