Google Analytics Connector

How to connect data from Google Analytics?

We go to the "Inkspace" settings, then click on the "Connectors" tab and add a connection with your Google account.

Our application has been approved by Google and will request access to download and display data from Google Analytics account. The application will not have the ability to modify the data.

After adding the Connector, our application is already connected to the Google Analytics account and can retrieve data from it.

At this point, we need to indicate what data we want to retrieve.

Go to the "Imports" tab, select the "Analytics" tab, and add the first analytical import.

We select the import type "Google Analytics", the connector (which we connected in the previous step) and the data details that we want to retrieve from the GA account.

Data range - means that the application will retrieve accumulated data for the last 30 days.

Finally, we confirm the whole process by selecting "Save" and wait for the data to be downloaded.

When the analytical import is successfully completed, the "Global" data will be immediately visible on the "Dashboard":

Data downloaded from GA account is saved in fields with the following names:

The "_global_" data is immediately available for use in any export. This data does not refer to specific marketing channels. It is aggregated data for the selected GA data view, combined based on the product id.
On the other hand, the "_channel_" data is data assigned to a specific export/channel/feed, which will only start to be collected after adding tracking parameters to the specific export. 
To do this, you need to go to the export settings and enable Google Analytics data for it:

This will append parameters to each URL: ?utm_content=feedink-a4d2f0d23dcc84ce983ff9157f8b7f88-8823777467&utm_source=feedink

Thanks to this, our application will recognize from which channel the user came and retrieve data for a specific channel broken down by each product.

To use the data for optimizing marketing activities, you need to go to the export rules and use the data stored in the analytical elements:

The presented rule will exclude products that have generated more than 1000 sessions in the last 14 days and generated sales of less than 9999 USD.